Thursday, July 9, 2009

Warner Robins Treasure Hunt

One Wednesday night a group of believers met in Warner Robins for a "treasure hunt". Each person had words of knowledge written down that they had heard from the Lord during the previous week. They split into 3 teams each with a leader that had done a treasure hunt before. One group was led by an eleven year old girl. A little over an hour later they regrouped and told their testimonies. Here are several of them:

One word of knowledge was to find a woman wearing red capri pants. After looking for an hour the group was about to return when they spotted a woman wearing the red pants. They introduced themselves and explained that they had been asking God for a week to show them someone that He wanted to express His love to and they showed the woman the sheet of paper with her description on it. She broke down crying in disbelief and explained that not 2 minutes earlier she had texted a Christian friend expressing her need for a breakthrough from God. The woman had lost her job and was without a home, her Christian friend was paying for her to stay in a motel. She was so shocked that God would respond to her heart cry within 2 minutes, she had one of the team call her Christian friend and explain what was going on. During the phone call the friend broke down crying that God would respond so fast. The team prayed for breaktrough and released favor on the womans life. During the prayer one of the team received another word of knowledge that the woman felt God was punishing her by causing her to loose her job and home. The woman confirmed that she did feel God was punishing her. The team was able to pour the love of God all over her and speak identity and destiny into this woman life.

A young man was prayed for that walked with arm braces due to a childhood illness that disabled his legs. During the prayer the team received 2 prophetic words for the man and his destiny. He was greatly encouraged.

A woman that walked with a cane was prayed for by one team and she felt her condition change for better. She started crying and was mildly shocked that she felt instantly better.

One word of knowledge was for a person holding a puppy. One team found a man holding a puppy and was able to pray for him and share how intensly his Heavenly Father loved him. The man had such a love for his pets because he was never able to have children. This gave him a frame of reference for how much more his Heavenly Father loved him and this knowledge brought the man to tears.

All in all 10 people were ministered to by the love of the Father in Warner Robins within 1 hour.

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Healing of Paralytic in Target

A young man was in Target and noticed a man in a wheelchair. He went over and struck up a conversation. The man in the wheelchair told of how he had been in a car wreck and was paralyzed. He could not move his feet or legs and his hand had been mangled in the wreck and was twisted and turned closed, unable to be useful, his doctor's had told him he would never be able to walk again. The young man asked if he could pray. During the prayer the man in the wheelchair said he felt tingles or electricity. The man in the wheelchair was a patient in a Spinal Clinic in Atlanta, the young man followed up with trips to the Spinal Clinic.

One Sunday morning during church the man in the wheelchair came wheeling down front to show that he could now move his feet but not his legs. The church erupted into praise to God for the feeling being restored to the man's feet.

A little less than a year later the formerly paralyzed man walked into the Sunday morning service of the same church fully restored and healed. Even his hand had been restored and healed.

The lesson: Give praise and thanks to God for the smallest of results because that opens the door for further restoration.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Autism Healed on "Treasure Hunt"

A couple of teenage girls were participating in a "treasure hunt" in a Georgia mall last weekend. One of the words of knowledge on thier list was the color yellow. After having spent some time wandering the mall looking for someone to pray for with the color yellow, they gave up and decided to shop.

The girls were trying on sunglasses in a store when they heard a mumbling sound. Looking around they noticed the sound was coming from a young boy who suffered from autism and could not speak clearly. After noticing the boy they realized that they were trying on a yellow pair of sunglasses. This freaked them out and they left the store and started crying. They composed themselves and knew they had to go back and pray for the boy.

They went back in the store and prayed for the boy. He looked up, opened his mouth and said very clearly "I can speak now!". The girls were so excited at the power of the Kingdom being manifested they tested the boy by having him repeat various phrases and he repeated them all in a clear and distinct voice. Healed!

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Unborn Baby Healed

The following testimony was received via email from a Warner Robins woman:

My great niece had an ultrasound a few weeks ago. the results were not good. She was told the baby had Downes Syndrome, Spinal bifita, or muscular dystrophy. Tests ruled out Downes Syndrome so she was told it was either or both of the other two. We prayed for her and declared healing in Jesus Name.

This week she had a second ultrasound and a specialist from Duke hospital was there to read it and to tell them what could or should be done. When he saw the baby, he said all he saw was a perfectly healthy baby boy! The area they had seen before was totally gone. He had no explanation because the previous ultrasound had been so detailed and now it was GONE! The family knows that GOD HEALED their baby boy!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Migraine Instantly Healed

The following testimony comes from a woman in Warner Robins:

My daughter awakened me around 2am with a terrible migraine. She told me that she thought she was dying because the pain was so intense, her heart was pounding in her chest and sweat was pouring off of her.
I had her lay back, I put a cool cloth on her forehead, and gave her a cool drink. Then, I prayed for her healing.

She lay still for a few minutes and then told me it was much better. I told her I was going to pray again because sometimes Jesus had to pray twice. So, I prayed again. Her heart rate slowed, the sweating stopped and she told me, " Mom, it is gone!". I had her sit up and she still had no pain. I then, had her get on her feet and walk. She said," Mom, I am fine! It is totally gone!" I gave her no medicines. It was Jesus who did the healing!

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Raised From The Dead!

A young man from Middle Georgia was with a group doing an outreach in the Little 5 Points area of Atlanta. They saw a crowd of people gathered around the motionless body of a young male. The outreach team pushed through the crowd to get close to the young man. They started praying for the young man releasing life and health, because they had no idea what was wrong with him.

An ambulance arrived on the scene about 10 - 15 minutes later and loaded the young man into the back
. The outreach team pressed in and laid hands on the ambulance continuing to release life and health. After a few minutes a female EMT bust out of the back of the ambulance and tells the outreach team that they are taking the young man to the hospital. She instructs them to follow her to the hospital.

The driver of the ambulance later tells a woman connected with the outreach group that the young man had overdosed on drugs and had been dead 25 minutes on the concrete. She also tells her that when the outreach group laid their hands on the ambulance and prayed
the young man came back to life! Raised from the dead. Below is a mobile phone photo taken at the time of the resurrection.

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The Power of the Testimony

I think the story that follows is a great example of the power that is resident within each testimony.

A church in Atlanta had a guest speaker from another state. He told the story of how he had suffered with a hernia, though he had prayed for healing, he ended up having surgery. Not long after his recovery, he went on a missions trip. Following one of the services, people were coming up for prayer. One of the people wanted prayer for the healing of a hernia. Imagine the thoughts that would go through your head, "How can I pray for healing of the very thing I had to have surgery for?". He prayed. The hernia sucked back into the persons body like jello through a straw. The next several people in the prayer line all had hernia problems and all were miraculously
healed! Never underestimate the goodness of God.

A man from Fayetteville was attending the church service in Atlanta listening to the guest speaker and heard the testimony of the hernia healing. The next week at work one of his co-workers was complaining of pain from a hernia. The Fayetteville man prayed for his co-worker and the hernia sucked back into the body. Totally healed! The next week at church the Fayetteville man gave the testimony of the healing that had taken place at his work.

A woman from Thomaston was in that church service and heard the man from Fayetteville give the testimony of the hernia healing. She attended an outreach in downtown Atlanta with a group that included people from Byron and Warner Robins. During this outreach the Thomaston woman had an opportunity to pray for a man with a hernia the size of a baseball sticking out of his abdomen. She told the testimonies of the previous hernia healings. She had the man put his own hand on his hernia and she placed her hand on top of his hand. She prayed and the hernia sucked back into his body. Totally Healed! She couldn't believe it herself, this was the first time she had someone healed from her own hands.

Because one man chose to release the Kingdom of God and not get offended by his lack of healing, the testimony was born that propelled others to receive their healing.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Healings In Kroger

A local 19 year old was in Kroger when a fellow employee asked if he prayed for people randomly. He asked "why" and she replied that she wanted prayer for her degenerative discs which she had all down her spine. She was scheduled to have her spine fused because the disease had progressed too far. She had heard that this young man prayed for people to get healed.

The young man asked her pain level at that moment, 1 being low and 10 being the worst. She stated that she was in the worst pain ever at that moment. The young man prayed for the woman and her pain level dropped to a "7". He told her that even Jesus prayed for some people twice (Matthew 8:23-25), so "let's pray again". After the second prayer her pain level dropped to a "4" and the woman was REALLY excited to have such relief. The young man said "I'm not Jesus, so maybe we need to pray more than twice". After the third prayer her pain went away and she was totally healed.

Later that day the young man was called into the back office. A little apprehensive he went to the office. Another employee was waiting for him and explained that she had heard of the back healing earlier that day and wanted him to pray for her back. After the first prayer her pain level dropped to a "4" and she was excited and satisfied and started to leave the office. The young man asked her to give him 2 more minutes because if God is working why not pray again and have all her pain gone. They prayed again and ALL her pain left. She started praying and thanking God that the young man was in Kroger and prayed for her.

Epilogue: The first lady that was prayed for with degenerative discs has been pain free for over a week now!

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Macon Mall Treasure Hunt

A group of local believers went to the Macon Mall for a "Treasure Hunt". A "Treasure Hunt" is when you ask God for Words of Knowledge pertaining to people (the Treasure) that He wants to express His love to in a specific way. The Holy Spirit might show you the color of a dress, a specific place, a name, a certain illness, etc. You then write those words down on a sheet of paper and go out looking for the treasure.

One item on the list was a woman sitting on a bench on the 2nd floor of the mall peering over the balcony. The group went up to 2nd floor and found the woman sitting on the bench just like the Word of Knowledge. One of the ladies of the group was able to go and pray for the woman and encourage her in the love of her Heavenly Father.

Another item on the list was a pair of high top sneakers with a "tattoo design" imprinted on them. The group went to every shoe store in the Macon Mall looking for those shoes and came up empty, those type of shoes were not for sale in the mall.

While walking through the Food Court one of the group noticed a man eating and saw that he was wearing those high tops with the tattoo design. They went to the man and showed him the list with his shoes on it and assured him that he was the only person in the mall with those shoes. They shared that God so loved him that He gave a Word of Knowledge concerning his shoes so that he could be found as the treasure. Come to find out the man was Israeli and wanted prayer to be happy. He had a need in his life to feel happiness. He was prayed for and loved on and left the Food Court with the knowledge that his Heavenly Father had not forgotten him.

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Deaf Ears Healed

A 10-year-old boy lost most of his hearing this last summer. Early diagnosis was that he might lose it all. His two cousins (living in a different state) said that was not going to happen. So they prayed the boy would not lose all of his hearing.

The next doctor’s appointment reported that the boy had lost all that he would lose. The boy began wearing hearing aids and the school purchased a system for the teacher to wear a microphone and the boy to wear the receiver.

The cousins visited the boy in Texas during Thanksgiving. They decided to lay hands on the boy and pray. They did not see any immediate results, but received a report that the boy was doing very well in school with academics and behavior. He was also mentoring a younger deaf child.

Six month check up. The doctor came in and said, "I don't know how to tell you this.”. The mother took the boy’s hand as if to protect him from any bad news. The doctor repeated, "I don't know how to tell you this, but his hearing is completely within normal limits, this just does not happen.". The boy’s hearing had improved over 25 decibels. The boy said, "See mom, I told you that when my cousins prayed for me I was healed, but you kept making me wear my hearing aids!".

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Skin Cancer Falls Off Face

A Georgia woman was taking her morning walk when she noticed a man with a skin cancer legion on the bridge of his nose. After striking up a conversation with the man, she ended up praying for him. Nothing seem to happen, the cancer was still there on his nose but she knew she had been faithful to the Kingdom by taking advantage of a presented opportunity.

Four days later she was enjoying her morning walk again when the man came up to her with the good news. The skin cancer had fallen off the bridge of his nose the same day that she had prayed. Not only that but another skin cancer legion on his forehead that she was unaware of had also fallen off.

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Facebook Healing

A local man posted a short video of street ministry healings on his Facebook page. The video basically showed a couple of guys praying for people on the street hanging outside of clubs. There were several healings featured on the video.

A young man in South Carolina (a former resident of Warner Robins) saw the video on the Facebook page and thought of his own injured ankle. The pain in his ankle had kept him from running for several months. After watching the video he laid his own hands on his ankle and repeated the prayer he had heard on the video. The pain left his ankle. Stunned in disbelief he got up and ran around his block 3 times just to test the ankle out. Still Healed!

Since his healing the young man in South Carolina has gotten with friends and go downtown in their city praying for those in need of an encounter with God.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Paratrooper's Leg Healed

A group of people had gathered together to walk and pray for a section of the city. During the group prayer a young man experienced a sharp pain in one of his knees. Having been taught that your senses can be trained to discern what the Holy Spirit is doing (Heb. 5:14), he recognized this as a Word of Knowledge.

The group divided up and began to walk the area. As the young man came upon a group of men he asked, "does anyone have a pain in their knee?". Amazingly one of the men had injured his knee years ago as a paratrooper/airborne ranger. They prayed a simple prayer releasing the reality of the Kingdom (no hurt knees in heaven, then no hurt knees on earth). The ex-paratrooper was instantly healed and the pain he had lived with for years left!

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to Middle Georgia Miracles

The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. Each testimony carries with it the power to "do it again". It is our belief that God wants to set His foot down in Middle Georgia in a new and powerful way.

In Acts 14, Paul and Barnabas preached in Iconium and came under opposition by the religious community of Jews. Their response to the situation was to "stay there a long time speaking boldly in the Lord". They did not cut and run, they displayed courage by staying there longer than planned and being bold. The Lord's response was to bear witness to the "Word of Grace" by granting signs and wonders (miracles). Courage and miracles (by preaching the word of grace) is God's plan for taking a city and a region.

This blog will chronicle the testimonies of the miraculous taking place not in Africa or South America but in the State of Georgia and more specifically in our home of Middle Georgia. These testimonies are meant to encourage us as believers to step out in courage, take a risk, and display the Kingdom of Heaven in Georgia. These testimonies are not limited to any particular church or denomination but to the Body of Christ in our region.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Healing in Warner Robins

A local mother and her two daughters were in a fast food restaurant when one of the daughters noticed a woman with a brace on her wrist. They approached the woman and asked what was wrong with her wrist. She stated that she had prolonged pain and had not been able to shop for quite some time.

The mother and two daughters laid hands on the woman's wrist and prayed a simple prayer of healing. Nothing happened instantly but they exchanged phone numbers. A week later the mother and two daughters received a phone call from the husband excited to report that the wrist was healed and his wife was out shopping.

It is impossible to pray and have nothing happen.

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