Thursday, July 9, 2009

Healing of Paralytic in Target

A young man was in Target and noticed a man in a wheelchair. He went over and struck up a conversation. The man in the wheelchair told of how he had been in a car wreck and was paralyzed. He could not move his feet or legs and his hand had been mangled in the wreck and was twisted and turned closed, unable to be useful, his doctor's had told him he would never be able to walk again. The young man asked if he could pray. During the prayer the man in the wheelchair said he felt tingles or electricity. The man in the wheelchair was a patient in a Spinal Clinic in Atlanta, the young man followed up with trips to the Spinal Clinic.

One Sunday morning during church the man in the wheelchair came wheeling down front to show that he could now move his feet but not his legs. The church erupted into praise to God for the feeling being restored to the man's feet.

A little less than a year later the formerly paralyzed man walked into the Sunday morning service of the same church fully restored and healed. Even his hand had been restored and healed.

The lesson: Give praise and thanks to God for the smallest of results because that opens the door for further restoration.

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