A group of people had gathered together to walk and pray for a section of the city. During the group prayer a young man experienced a sharp pain in one of his knees. Having been taught that your senses can be trained to discern what the Holy Spirit is doing (Heb. 5:14), he recognized this as a Word of Knowledge.
The group divided up and began to walk the area. As the young man came upon a group of men he asked, "does anyone have a pain in their knee?". Amazingly one of the men had injured his knee years ago as a paratrooper/airborne ranger. They prayed a simple prayer releasing the reality of the Kingdom (no hurt knees in heaven, then no hurt knees on earth). The ex-paratrooper was instantly healed and the pain he had lived with for years left!
Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com
Nothing is impossible! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me.