Friday, September 17, 2010

Testimony of Horse Trailer In Path of Oncoming Train

Here is a testimony received via email:

Saints ~  My friend Brenda, in Birmingham, just relayed this incredible story to me. This is entirely true, just happened this past weekend and she will have a photo this coming Friday, but I wanted to go ahead and share with you now.

 Her friend was returning from a horse show in Chelsea, Alabama this past Sunday.  She was following the trailer that was hauling eight horses, returning home from a horse show.  This gal's horse was on the trailer.

 As the truck was pulling the eight horses across a railroad track the trailer got stuck.  (this isn't too uncommon as it has to do with hump-backed tracks and road grades)  Suddenly, and to everyone's horror, the train crossing lights began flashing and the bells clanging.  A train was coming and the horse trailer was stuck on the tracks!

  The man driving the truck jumped out and began running down the track to alert the coming train.  Down the track a bit, he saw the on-coming train and began frantically waving his arms.  The train engineer immediately threw on the brakes amid a shower of sparks and the screeching of metal against metal.  The engineer looked at the truck driver, though, shaking his head, to indicate the train would not be able to stop in time.  There wasn't enough time to get the eight horses out of the trailer so everyone just stood there and watched the screeching train come to a full stop.....within a HAND'S WIDTH of the trailer.  That is literally INCHES away.

The engineer got out, shaking his head, and said it was a miracle...that the train needs a mile and a half to stop and that clearly wasn't a mile and a half.  The driver's wife, who had also been in the truck, said that before they were heading out on the return trip home, SHE HAD LAID HANDS ON THE TRUCK AND THE TRAILER AND ASKED FOR GOD'S PROTECTION.
   They were very concerned that the horses would be terrorized from the sounds and sparks and create mayhem being removed from the trailer, but one by one the horses calmly left the trailer to graze nearby while the truck and trailer were moved.   How amazing is our Father?!  He hears our pleas, our concerns are His, He shifts entire universes and creates new destinies at the pleas of His children.  What a good Father we serve!!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'd like to clarify that the train didn't stop a hand's width away, but more six feet away. I was sent the picture today and I guess it stopping further away, although was mis-telling on my part, it's that much less than a mile and a half! Praise God! Sorry for the discrepancy. The rest of the story is true.
