Friday, December 10, 2010

Breakthrough for Adoption

   At a restaurant Tonya prayed for her waitress and gave her a prophetic word. The girl's family had been trying to adopt a little girl for 8 years and there had been one hindrance after another. 
   Tonya had prayed for release and when she saw the girl a few weeks later she found out that the day after they had prayed the family had gone to court. The biological mother walked into the courtroom and told them that she thought they should be raising her daughter and released the child for adoption.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Doctor Raises the Dead in the ER

This links to a CBN video interview with a doctor that chose to obey the voice of the Lord and pray for a patient that had already been pronounced dead.

Though not in the Middle Georgia region a great testimony none the less.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hip and Knee Pain Gone!

When Trish limped into a computer store after just having an MRI her hip and knee were in terrible pain and she was exhausted. The cancer treatments she's been going through have created many other physical problems for her, but as she has been continually seeking God, He has been near. A while back God had given her a vision of her walking her dog and walking into a bubble. As she walked along in the bubble her pain disappeared. 

Cody, Spencer and Hannah work in the computer store Trish happened into that day, not realizing God had also spoken to them about being creating a bubble of God people walk into. When they started talking to her, they got a word of knowledge and ended up praying for her. Though Hannah prayed for her knee not knowing her hip hurt, God not only took the pain out of Trish's knee but also revealed her left hip pain to Hannah and God removed that pain also. Trish also left the store with incredible energy. Praise God for miracles in the workplace!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Word of Knowledge Prevents Suicide

A young lady suffered from social anxiety disorder that led to anorexia. The anxiety was so bad that if she was around groups of people she would ball up and weep.  While attending a conference she was delivered from the anxiety and anorexia which led to her giving testimony in front of 500 people. But the story doesn't end here.

While at the conference she went on a treasure hunt armed with a word of knowledge that she was to find someone suffering from depression with suicidal tendencies.  She did not find anyone on the treasure hunt or at the conference later that day. A picture of one of her friends flashed through her mind and she believed the Lord was telling her to contact this friend now.  She
proceeded to send the friend a 30 page text message full of prophetic promises and destiny. The friend upon receiving the text, called and told her that she had a bottle of prescription pills and a razor blade and was prepared to commit suicide before she had received the text message of hope. Amazing!

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Osteoarthritis Healed by doing "The Bump"

The manager of a coffee shop has suffered pain in her hip brought on by osteoarthritis.  She would use her hip to bump the drive thru window while servicing customers and had been doing this for 4 years.  She was given the diagnosis of osteoarthritis by her doctor.  She refused to accept the facts of the situation and began declaring the truth of healing offered in the New Covenant.  Her pain remained pretty constant and she had to sleep with a pillow between her legs.

While at a church service, a time of ministry was offered for the congregation to pray for each other. A woman came over and prayed for the healing of the osteoarthritis, then she made this unusual statement, "This sounds really weird but I believe we are supposed to start doing the Bump". (For those of you too young to remember, the Bump was a disco era dance where 2 people would bump their hips together). They started doing "The Bump" and Immediately the pain left her hip and she was healed!

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Testimony of Horse Trailer In Path of Oncoming Train

Here is a testimony received via email:

Saints ~  My friend Brenda, in Birmingham, just relayed this incredible story to me. This is entirely true, just happened this past weekend and she will have a photo this coming Friday, but I wanted to go ahead and share with you now.

 Her friend was returning from a horse show in Chelsea, Alabama this past Sunday.  She was following the trailer that was hauling eight horses, returning home from a horse show.  This gal's horse was on the trailer.

 As the truck was pulling the eight horses across a railroad track the trailer got stuck.  (this isn't too uncommon as it has to do with hump-backed tracks and road grades)  Suddenly, and to everyone's horror, the train crossing lights began flashing and the bells clanging.  A train was coming and the horse trailer was stuck on the tracks!

  The man driving the truck jumped out and began running down the track to alert the coming train.  Down the track a bit, he saw the on-coming train and began frantically waving his arms.  The train engineer immediately threw on the brakes amid a shower of sparks and the screeching of metal against metal.  The engineer looked at the truck driver, though, shaking his head, to indicate the train would not be able to stop in time.  There wasn't enough time to get the eight horses out of the trailer so everyone just stood there and watched the screeching train come to a full stop.....within a HAND'S WIDTH of the trailer.  That is literally INCHES away.

The engineer got out, shaking his head, and said it was a miracle...that the train needs a mile and a half to stop and that clearly wasn't a mile and a half.  The driver's wife, who had also been in the truck, said that before they were heading out on the return trip home, SHE HAD LAID HANDS ON THE TRUCK AND THE TRAILER AND ASKED FOR GOD'S PROTECTION.
   They were very concerned that the horses would be terrorized from the sounds and sparks and create mayhem being removed from the trailer, but one by one the horses calmly left the trailer to graze nearby while the truck and trailer were moved.   How amazing is our Father?!  He hears our pleas, our concerns are His, He shifts entire universes and creates new destinies at the pleas of His children.  What a good Father we serve!!

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Testimony of Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry student Drew Kaiser on 700 Club

Here is the testimony of Drew Kaiser on the 700 Club.  Drew is a student in the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry.  He went out looking to release the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and prayed for a wheelchair bound man in Target.  Jean was injured in a car crash that left him paralyzed in a wheelchair. 

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lost Wedding Band Found

Last Wednesday after dinner, Gary and I went out to do some yard work. I usually take off my rings and put on gloves but failed to do so on this particular day. You can tell where this is going. While Gary cut grass, I did some weeding and cleaning of flowerbeds. After showering I picked up a book to read and I noticed my wedding band was missing. I wear the diamond first with the band going on second because the diamond ring is a little loose. I always take off both so when I saw only one I was alarmed. I went back to bathroom looking everywhere. I had this sinking feeling that I had lost it while doing the yard work.

When I got up the next morning, I told the Lord that I knew it was in the yard but He knew exactly where it was (there were so many possibilities). I prayed two things:that it would be easy to find, with Him behind me telling me to go to the left or right and I told Him that I could use a miracle. I had a friend coming over to pray soon, so I hoped that I would have time to look in at least one place before she came over. I had pulled my makeup bag out of a drawer and was putting on makeup. Gary came by and said—“I see you found your ring”— I looked at the counter and there was my ring. I had looked on the counter last night, this morning, and even before I brought out makeup bag because I had made a mental note that after applying makeup I needed to clean counter. However, there was my ring—I asked for it to be easy— WOW — was that easy! I asked for a miracle—that was a miracle! I did not even have to go outside hunting for it in July heat! PTL – If you remember, last August we had a miraculous recovery of Gary's ring that brought a promise from the Lord and now this year He has confirmed that promise with the recovery of my ring: Everything lost or stolen the last 40 years will be restored – and we can expect more miracles! Praise the Lord! God is not a respecter of persons: Expect restoration, expect miracles!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Miracles at Jesus Culture Conference, Atlanta

Marnus Coetzee attended Jesus Culture, Atlanta this month and brings back these few testimonies out of the many miracles that happened over the conference.

Marnus writes:

I was at Jesus Culture Atlanta last week and God showed up with a big bag of love. Scot Thompson did a workshop on healing revival. Of the 500 in his workshop, eighty people were healed. One was healed of cystic fibrosis. Two had metal disappear. A little girl with Turrets got healed. A torn ACL was made new. And a girl with Celiacs disease was healed and had a very fun lunch.
A lady had crushed her foot badly, and they had put metal pins in her toes that would shove into her foot when she exercised, causing great pain. The pins disappeared. She tested it out by doing things that she couldn’t do before.
A girl had social anxiety disorder. She had stress-induced bulimia, for which she saw a therapist and took medicine. She felt all that lift off of her and gave a testimony to the 500. On outreach that day, she got the words “depression” and “suicide.” All afternoon, she looked for that but didn’t find the person. That night, she said, “Is it somebody here at the church?” During worship, the Lord told her it was not someone at the church; it was for her friend. He told her to text her right then. Her friend texted her right back and asked her to call her. Weeping, the friend said she was sitting in her room with a bottle of pills and a razor blade getting ready to kill herself when she received the text about God’s love and plan for her.
In 1993, a man had had a parachuting accident at 15,000 feet. His parachute malfunctioned and he hit the trees, bounced off the ground and broke his back in three places, shattering one area. He was in constant pain all those 17 years, and a huge bulge had formed on his back. He came to pick up his wife from the workshop. He received prayer, and all the pain left and the bulge disappeared.
We also sent out all 1500 on the streets and malls of Atlanta and had some amazing stuff happen at the hands of this fearless generation.

You can view Marnus' Blog Here

Check out Jesus Culture Here

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Healing of Hips

While on vacation Dave was about to put money into a parking meter and a homeless man ran up and stopped him, explaining it wasn't the time of day he needed to pay. They struck up a conversation and the guy told him he was homeless and disabled because of the pain in his back and hip.

Dave prayed for him and speaking to the hip and back told it to do what it was created to do. After they were done praying he said it was a little better and the guy launched into another story. But after a couple of minutes stopped suddenly and exclaimed, "I think you've got the Power! My hip doesn't hurt any more! Dave said, "Yea, man, it's the Holy Ghost." The homeless man said "Yea others had prayed for me too and it feels good!" Praise God.

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Back Injury Healed

Spencer was at Starbucks and the guy making deliveries came in with a bad limp. When Spencer asked him what had happened he explained he had gotten hurt on the job about 6 months before and might have to go on disability, it was so bad. After telling him a testimony about another healing that had allowed someone else to keep working and avoid disability, Spencer asked if he could pray for the guy.

When he began to pray he felt the Holy Spirit rise up in him and felt the power go through his arm into the guy and just knew he was completely healed. Although it was a little better it wasn't complete at that time. About a week later Spencer was back in that Starbucks and the guy came up to him exclaiming, "God Bless you man!" Spencer didn't even recognize him because he had no limp at all. He said he had gone to the doctor and the injury that had given him the limp was completely gone, 100%. He could keep working didn't have to go on disability. He was very happy!

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Georgia Tech Football Player Healing

During football season several Georgia Tech football players had gotten injured and were unable to play. While on Facebook a young man contacted the football players and asked if he could pray for their healing. He arranged a meeting with one of the football players (the starting center) at a mutual location. Upon arriving at the location the young man and two friends spotted the football player limping towards them, none of them had ever met each other before this day.

They laid hands on the player and began to pray. The player asked them what he was supposed to do while they were praying. They told him "nothing, just receive this healing like a Christmas present". He stated that the pain left, so he began to do movements that he could not have done before. He was healed!

The next day the player went to practice and had no pain. Local media wrote articles about how the starting center for Georgia Tech had fully recovered so quickly.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Words of Knowledge in Local Restaurant

A Middle Georgia couple was eating lunch at a restaurant located on Watson Blvd: We began to ask the Holy Spirit for a Word of Knowledge and Prophecy for the waitress. We believed we heard from the Spirit that the young woman was a single mother with a baby and needed encouragement. When the waitress approached our table I noticed that she did not have on a wedding band. I asked her if she had any children and she responded that she had a little baby. She then asked why I inquired about children. I proceeded to explain to her that her Heavenly Father loved her and was wanting to encourage her. I then gave her the prophetic word which let her know how much her Heavenly Father loved her and thought she was a good mother and He was pleased with her and not angry. The waitress broke down in tears and left the table.

She returned wiping the tears from her eyes and showing us pictures of her baby. She explained how difficult it had been with only her and the baby and how much the encouragement had meant to her to know that God was not mad at her and loved her.

Editors Note: One of the purposes of the prophetic is to reveal the Father and restore relationship. Jesus came to reveal the Father, He did this through love, miracles, the prophetic, words of knowledge, etc. We are given the same mission.....To Reveal The Father, and we are given the same tools (gifts).

I encourage everyone to go out and stretch yourself this year. Ask the Holy Spirit for Words of Knowledge and Prophetic Words to reveal the Father to those around you.

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Knee Healed Over Facebook Chat

A couple of weeks ago I was typing with my brother on Facebook chat, he lives in England, and he shared with me that he was having a hard time training because his knee was in pain. I told him to put his hand on his knee and invite the Holy Spirit to come and heal him. Then I told him to command the pain to go in Jesus name. He said he felt heat in his knee and that it felt good. I told him to test it out and he said that it felt 80% better! We prayed again and this time all the pain left.

2 weeks later I saw him on Facebook again and asked him how his knee was doing. He said it was feeling better than ever. :-) Today I had him put his hand on his head and ask God for a prophetic picture. Within seconds he had a good picture and as we kept asking God different questions about the meaning, I slowly explained to him what we were doing. By the end he shared how he felt really warm and peaceful and how when he thought about the picture he felt good inside even though life was pretty hectic. Thanks Facebook for being a tool!

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Bladder Cancer Healed

Testimony from a Middle Georgia woman: I was healed of bladder cancer! I was diagnosed in May 2006 and had part of my bladder removed. After surgery, every 3 months I was required to go back to the Doctor. Almost every time there were more tumors. Each time there were from 3-11 tumors and some had traveled into my kidneys as well as bladder and ureter tube. Before God healed me, I had a check up in October 2007; and then went to the Webb Alabama conference with Bill Johnson in January 2008 and received prayer.

Since January 2008 to this day, I am and have been cancer free! My doctor even said, "It looks like you have a brand new bladder." Thanks for allowing me to post my healing :o)

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Surgery Avoided by Miraculous Healing

A Middle Georgia man was ministering with a Douglasville man at a conference recently when they were approached by a teenager with a bandaged big toe. The teen pulled back the gauze to reveal a bloody raw and puss oozing toe and toenail. He told that he was going to have surgery to remove the toenail and was currently in pain.

After initial prayer the young man could "stub" his toe into the concrete floor with NO PAIN. The teen was excited and thrilled to have no pain but the prayer team wanted to keep pressing in for more. Each time they would pray for the teen, he would pull back the gauze to check if anything was happening. First the blood started to disappear, then the puss, and finally new skin started to thinly appear over the wound. The team instructed the teen to walk and run around the building. Later the young man returned to testify that his toe had been healed and had new skin growing.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Abscessed Tooth Healed

A Middle Georgia man was ministering in a conference when a mother approached him bringing her little daughter. The daughter had intense pain from an abscess with one of her molars. The mother pulled back the little girls cheek to reveal the bulging purple infection.

While praying for the little girl, she began to weep softly. When asked if she was crying because of the tooth pain she responded that she didn't know why she was crying, she just felt funny. After several moments of prayer in the presence of the Lord, the little girls crying turned into a big smile and she exclaimed "it's gone, it doesn't hurt anymore!". The mother pulled back the girls cheek to reveal that the abscess had vanished and all pain was gone.

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Cataract Melts from Eye

A Middle Georgia 20 year old was at an outdoor music festival when he gave a Word of Knowledge about an eye. A woman came up with a cataract in her right eye. The cataract impaired her vision to such an extent that she could not see her husbands face, her vision was always blurry. The team prayed that she would have a love encounter with her Heavenly Father and be able to spiritually and physically see His love. The woman started leaking out of her right eye and the cataract melted out of her eye in front of numerous witnesses. She was then able to read fine print, cataract GONE!

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Blind Eye Healed

At a Georgia college, there had been a word of knowledge for a guy with blue eyes. Sure enough, a guy with blue eyes came to the service for prayer. His right eye was completely blind because he had been shot in the eye with a bottle rocket. He couldn't even see his hand in front of his face. He could only see blurry images from the corner of his eye. A girl started praying for him and slowly there started to be breakthrough. At first he could only see his hand in front of his face, then slowly he was able to see his feet. As prayer continued, he started to see all the chairs in the room. Finally he was able to see and count all the pictures on the wall opposite him. He now has complete 20/20 vision!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Facebook Healing and Salvation

A young woman was on facebook when when she received a chat message from a male friend. Upon asking how her friend was doing, he replied that his back was really killing him and hindering his job performance. She asked if she could pray for his back. Her male friend was not a Christian and would actually mock God, but faced with back pain he sarcastically told her to give it a shot. She prayed and his back was 100% healed over facebook.

After his healing he replied "you're one of those people that are really in touch with God, aren't you?". She typed back that Jesus really loves him and God also wanted that connection with him. The young man replied, "How do I get that?". He then accepted Christ and experienced the love of the Father.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Uterine Cancer Healed

There was a call that cane into pastor’s on call. A woman had been diagnosed with advanced cancer in her uterus and she was calling to see if she could get some prayer. She was having surgery the next day so Norma and Andra went to meet with her to pray for her in the hospital. Norma felt really good when they prayed for her. They left after exchanging phone numbers.

She went through surgery the next day. On the following Tuesday, the woman called with the results of the biopsy report and doctors found no trace of cancer in the uterus!

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Late Stage Cancer Healed

A young man works in a local coffee shop. He normally has a group regulars coming in every week to see him. One day only one of them showed up. He asked her how she was doing that day. She said she was okay. She found out on that day that her mom was diagnosed with cancer and it was in the later stages. There was nothing they could do for her. He asked her if she could pray for her. They step outside to pray for a while. After a couple weeks, she walked back in and came straight to the young man. She told him that they went to check with the doctor and they could find no traces of cancer in her mom's body!

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