Thursday, July 9, 2009

Warner Robins Treasure Hunt

One Wednesday night a group of believers met in Warner Robins for a "treasure hunt". Each person had words of knowledge written down that they had heard from the Lord during the previous week. They split into 3 teams each with a leader that had done a treasure hunt before. One group was led by an eleven year old girl. A little over an hour later they regrouped and told their testimonies. Here are several of them:

One word of knowledge was to find a woman wearing red capri pants. After looking for an hour the group was about to return when they spotted a woman wearing the red pants. They introduced themselves and explained that they had been asking God for a week to show them someone that He wanted to express His love to and they showed the woman the sheet of paper with her description on it. She broke down crying in disbelief and explained that not 2 minutes earlier she had texted a Christian friend expressing her need for a breakthrough from God. The woman had lost her job and was without a home, her Christian friend was paying for her to stay in a motel. She was so shocked that God would respond to her heart cry within 2 minutes, she had one of the team call her Christian friend and explain what was going on. During the phone call the friend broke down crying that God would respond so fast. The team prayed for breaktrough and released favor on the womans life. During the prayer one of the team received another word of knowledge that the woman felt God was punishing her by causing her to loose her job and home. The woman confirmed that she did feel God was punishing her. The team was able to pour the love of God all over her and speak identity and destiny into this woman life.

A young man was prayed for that walked with arm braces due to a childhood illness that disabled his legs. During the prayer the team received 2 prophetic words for the man and his destiny. He was greatly encouraged.

A woman that walked with a cane was prayed for by one team and she felt her condition change for better. She started crying and was mildly shocked that she felt instantly better.

One word of knowledge was for a person holding a puppy. One team found a man holding a puppy and was able to pray for him and share how intensly his Heavenly Father loved him. The man had such a love for his pets because he was never able to have children. This gave him a frame of reference for how much more his Heavenly Father loved him and this knowledge brought the man to tears.

All in all 10 people were ministered to by the love of the Father in Warner Robins within 1 hour.

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Healing of Paralytic in Target

A young man was in Target and noticed a man in a wheelchair. He went over and struck up a conversation. The man in the wheelchair told of how he had been in a car wreck and was paralyzed. He could not move his feet or legs and his hand had been mangled in the wreck and was twisted and turned closed, unable to be useful, his doctor's had told him he would never be able to walk again. The young man asked if he could pray. During the prayer the man in the wheelchair said he felt tingles or electricity. The man in the wheelchair was a patient in a Spinal Clinic in Atlanta, the young man followed up with trips to the Spinal Clinic.

One Sunday morning during church the man in the wheelchair came wheeling down front to show that he could now move his feet but not his legs. The church erupted into praise to God for the feeling being restored to the man's feet.

A little less than a year later the formerly paralyzed man walked into the Sunday morning service of the same church fully restored and healed. Even his hand had been restored and healed.

The lesson: Give praise and thanks to God for the smallest of results because that opens the door for further restoration.

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