Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eyes Healed

Yesterday while visiting with Ella, a representative of the hospital came in to bless the Miller's and their new baby. She began to share with us that she was a German holocaust survivor from the tribe of Benjamin and a descendant of Paul and that she had received Yeshua as the Messiah, her Savior. She said the doctors at Emory call her a walking miracle because at night when she takes off her glasses she goes completely blind. She has a seeing eye dog and everything. She said she has to set her alarm to wake up two hours before she needs to be up because she's in so much pain that it takes that long for her eyes to come to a place of orientation where she could see.

She also said many of her Jewish relatives have come to Yeshua as a result of the miracle and her own walk with the Lord. As she was talking, I asked Papa what He wanted to do. You could tell this was a DIVINE SET UP. I asked her if we could pray for her and she agreed. We released the power of the Apostle Paul's testimony over her (Paul receiving his sight when someone prayed for him) and declared that she would no longer experience any pain and would be able to see 24/7. After releasing the Kingdom of Heaven into her body, she stayed and talked with us some more. We hugged her, blessed the work she was doing releasing the love and goodness of God at Southern Hospital and she went on her way.

Today, she stopped by the Miller's room and told them the first thing she noticed when she woke up this morning was that she could SEE her clock!!! Normally she has to touch it to read the numbers and 'see' what time it is. The second thing she noticed...ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN!!! haha! C'mon God! Jesus is getting what His blood paid for!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Testimonies from IHOP Atlanta

Freedom from Self-Hatred, Depression, and Anger.
I have struggled with self-hatred, depression and anger towards my father for the past five years.  Recently, I have been dealing with the issue of self-hatred and the unforgiveness I have harbored for so many years against my father.  The Lord encountered me tonight and pierced my heart with His love.  He helped me forgive my dad for many things.  God began replacing the lies I had believed with truth.
Physical Healing: Hearing Loss
I have had hearing loss in my right ear for a couple of years now.  I would specifcally notice that when talking on the phone I couldn’t hear as well in my right ear as I could in my left.  Tonight a word of knowledge was given regarding right ear deafness.  I went forward for prayer.  After receiving prayer, I tested my hearing by using my phone.  It was a little better, but I got prayer again.  I tested it a second time and I could actually hear better in my right ear! Praise the Lord! –Melissa
Physical Healing: Growth on Finger
I have had a growth on my right fourth finger for two months.  Tonight I came to the Awakening Service but had to leave early.  During the night, I shook uncontrollably in my sleep under the power of God.  When I woke, I noticed the growth was gone!
Physical Healing: Knees
I have had pain in both of my knees for many years.  Tonight I received prayer during the Awakening Service for both of my knees.  The Lord touched me and I was able to bend with no pain! The Lord also filled me with His joy! –Christina
Physical Healing: Hernia in Leg
I have had a hernia on my left thigh for 5 years.  Tonight at the Awakening, a guy walked up to me and asked if I had pain in my left leg.  I had been in pain and had been asking God to heal me.  He prayed for me and God healed me of my hernia.  It completely disappeared! –Jocelyn
Physical Healing: Ear Infection
I had an ear infection, swollen glands and pain since Wednesday.  As I came to the Awakening Service tonight, people began to pray for me without knowing what was going on.  As they prayed, all the pain and swelling left!!!

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Friday, May 6, 2011

Shoulder Pain Gone

About 18 months ago I had cancer surgery and as a result, couldn't move my right arm over my head without pain. Actually, I had gotten used to it. 

Well, this morning during worship I looked and noticed that I had my right arm raised all the way up over my head! I didn't even realize it at first!!! No one prayed for me... I wasn't praying about it... I had just accepted that my arm was just going to be that way - I mean I'm alive, so what's the big deal about my arm not moving all the way? But who told me that? It sure wasn't God! He wants me healed - every part of me!!! What an amazing God!!! He's sooooo good!


Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Deaf Ears Healed

Two summers ago: My10-year-old nephew, Micah, lost most of his hearing. Micah began wearing hearing aids and the school purchased a system for his teacher to wear to help him better hear class discussions.

5 months later: At a family visit to Texas my teenage sons laid hands on Micah and prayed for healing. We did not see any immediate results, but received a report that Micah was doing very well in school with academics and behavior. He had also begun mentoring a younger deaf child.

Micah’s 6 months check up: The doctor came in and said, “I don’t know how to tell you this, but Micah’s hearing is completely within normal limits, this just doesn't happen." Micah’s hearing had improved over 25 decibels. Micah turned to his mom and said, "See mom, I told you that when Cody and Tristan prayed for me I was healed, but you kept making me wear my hearing aids!"

One year check up: Micah’s hearing is still within normal limits. He is completely healed.

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cerebral Palsy Healed

May 25, 1998 Alanna's heart stopped beating while she was still in the womb. She was 5 weeks premature, but doctors delivered her by emergency c-section and brought her back to life. Doctors said that if she survived she would be mentally handicapped, but 10 days later she was released from the hospital.

She had Cerebral Palsy and could not use her legs, but on March 31, 1998 she began to crawl. After surgeries and casts she learned to walk. She was teased and bullied because she was different. On February 18, 2011 she received prayer at a church service and was completely healed.


Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blind Eyes Healed

Melissa's last eye exam was 18 months ago. At this visit she was no longer correctable for any type of eye wear. There was no color left in her optic nerves (they were totally white or pale, this is called optic pallor), and there were many blank spots (holes, if you will). The Neuro Ophthalmologist (Specialist) told us there was no reason to come back and see him, for there was nothing else that could be done.

The Dr. explained to us that the optic nerve was dying and most people retain some (although useless) vision, while others go completely blind. It was just a matter of time before we knew whether Melissa's vision would stabilize or continue to decrease.We were advised to apply for disability, and for a seeing eye dog as soon as possible. This is where we were in the process. Waiting to see how blind Melissa would be, waiting for approval of disability, and deciding which seeing eye dog organization to go with (there are many). A week after God healed Melissa, I took her to Lens Crafters.

There were no appointments available at the other eye doctors Melissa has gone to before, so I took her just to get glasses for school. The Dr. dilated Melissa eyes, and told us that the nerves looked pink and healthy and there were no discernable blank spots or scars.....I was already praising God for healing Melissa that past Sunday.... I didn't need the Dr. to prove it.....but it sure was nice to hear and praise God for!  Praise God that He sent the power of the Holy Spirit to flow through you and heal Melissa! Hallelujah!! Praise God and celebrate His goodness!!! Because of Jesus.

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Prophetic Word to Waitress

Words become Worlds, Jesus spoke creation.  The prophetic word contains the power to create the future.  This testimony comes in from a local couple in Middle Georgia:

While eating lunch at a local steakhouse, my wife and I were very impressed with the joyful attitude of the young waitress. After the waitress had left our table I began to challenge my wife to get a prophetic word for the waitress.  As I was picking at my wife and goading her to get a prophetic word I saw a picture in my mind of our waitress with a newborn baby boy.  When the waitress returned to our table we asked her if she had any children.  She told us that she had been married for 2 years but they couldn't afford to have a baby and had been waiting for her to get a job.  She had just gotten the job at the steakhouse 3 weeks prior.

We told her that we had asked God for an encouraging word for her because we knew of His love towards her.  We then proceeded to tell her that we had seen a picture of her with a new baby and that she was going to be a mother.  She got really excited because they had been earnestly trying for 3 weeks to get pregnant and she already had a test scheduled for the next day.

The word was sent at the perfect time before her pregnancy test to encourage her that her Heavenly Father knew the desires of her heart.  She was excited and greatly encouraged of the Father's love for her.

The postscript to this story is that after our meal on our way back to the car my wife informed me that she had gotten a picture of the waitress being pregnant the moment I asked for a prophetic word but had chosen not to tell me just to pick back at me.  I said "why didn't you tell me", she said "I didn't want to steal your thunder"....too funny.  It's great when a married couple can confirm each others prophetic words.

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home Group Treasure Hunt

A home group planned a local treasure hunt and wrote Words of Knowledge on cards to take with them.  They ended up in Walmart and looked for 45 minutes for the people that fit the description written down on their cards.  They began to get discouraged and left Walmart to look in another store for their "treasures".

They ended up coming back to Walmart to check again.  Marnus spots a man with a cane and begins to ask God if this is the man he is searching for and decides to go for it.  He shows the man the card with the Word of Knowledge written on it that fits the man's description (man with a blue shirt with a little boy) and tells the man "I believe your my treasure".  The man has a bad hip and his eyes get big as he realizes that God has marked him with His love.

The man get's excited and wants to find his wife, so he leads Marnus to find his wife.  When they find her the husband explains about the treasure hunt and how Marnus had his description written on a card.  About this time another home group member, walks up and realizes that the wife fits the description he has written on his treasure hunt card (woman in gray business suit).  Hector approaches the woman and ask if she has a problem with migraine headaches.  The wife tells Hector that she just got back from the hospital visiting the doctor to get treated for migraines.  They join hands right in the aisle at Walmart and pray for the couple and have a Kumbaya moment.

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Cancer Healed - Video Testimony

Though not in Middle Georgia a great testimony none the less of God's love for us. Courtesy of ibetheltv YouTube Channel

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cancer Healed


We have an awesome praise regarding Jeremy's father. He had been battling cancer  for over a year and was not getting any hope from the doctors. He went to Oklahoma to a Cancer Treatment facility and was given the news that for the treatment to have any chance of success it had to have been started months earlier but now it was too late.
  Before going to Oklahoma Jeremy's father had received prayer for healing and had received a word of knowledge that his body was being poisoned.  While in Oklahoma the doctors conducted a PET scan which led them to operate on him so they could physically see what damage had been done by the cancer.  When they opened him up they found NO CANCER and told him that "his body was being poisoned" by the chemotherapy.  They sent him home healed with no further treatments.

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Monday, January 17, 2011

Word of Knowledge for Insomnia Brings Healing

During a time of prophetic ministry Dave had a word of knowledge that there was someone in the group who couldn't sleep through the night. A girl who had suffered with insomnia for years came forward and was prayed for. Her testimony is that after that night she was able to sleep for the first time in years.

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Boy brought back to life 01.02.11

John tells us of a boy named Jacob who fell down an elevator shaft and technically died, not breathing for 15-20 minutes. After praying life over him during that time, Jacob began breathing again, but was in a coma. Prayer continued and after a few days Jacob opened his eyes and the day after that was able to move his arms, legs & fingers. Jacob is recovering!

Send in your testimonies to: middlegeorgiamiracles@gmail.com