Friday, March 5, 2010

Cataract Melts from Eye

A Middle Georgia 20 year old was at an outdoor music festival when he gave a Word of Knowledge about an eye. A woman came up with a cataract in her right eye. The cataract impaired her vision to such an extent that she could not see her husbands face, her vision was always blurry. The team prayed that she would have a love encounter with her Heavenly Father and be able to spiritually and physically see His love. The woman started leaking out of her right eye and the cataract melted out of her eye in front of numerous witnesses. She was then able to read fine print, cataract GONE!

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Blind Eye Healed

At a Georgia college, there had been a word of knowledge for a guy with blue eyes. Sure enough, a guy with blue eyes came to the service for prayer. His right eye was completely blind because he had been shot in the eye with a bottle rocket. He couldn't even see his hand in front of his face. He could only see blurry images from the corner of his eye. A girl started praying for him and slowly there started to be breakthrough. At first he could only see his hand in front of his face, then slowly he was able to see his feet. As prayer continued, he started to see all the chairs in the room. Finally he was able to see and count all the pictures on the wall opposite him. He now has complete 20/20 vision!

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